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Caregiver Education Night

February 20 @ 6:30 pm 8:00 pm

We Can Do Hard Things and So Can Kids: Setting Kids Up for Independence and Success

Learn why it’s important to let/make/encourage kids to do things for themselves, what kids are capable of doing themselves (it’s more than you think!), how to gradually transfer responsibilities from the adult to the child, why you might sometimes do something for a kid that you know they can do, and how all of this helps build resilience in children.

Cost: Free for current SYC families. $10/adult for each session for non-SYC families.
Recording: We hope to record these events, though we encourage families to attend if possible so they are able to
ask questions and engage with the presenters.
Child Care: Limited child care will be offered to current SYC families first and then, if space allows, non-SYC
families beginning about two weeks before the event. Caregiver Ed childcare is for children aged 2 – 7 years old for
$8 per child, if we have a minimum of nine children registered in advance. Advance registration and payment
must be received no later than 3 days before the Caregiver Ed night (no refunds for child care unless it’s cancelled
due to low registration). Child care can be paid with cash or check in the SYC office and must be received at the
time of registration.