Remaining openings for the 2016-17 School Year

After priority registration for our 2016-17 school year opened on February 12, we have openings remaining. Those openings are as follows:


Spaces Remaining Waitlist Length Usual Turnover Rate
Mon-Wed AM 2\’s 0 1 low
Tues-Thurs AM 2\’s 0 5 low
January Friday 2\’s 1 0 medium
Mon-Wed-Fri AM 3\’s 0 7 low
Tues-Thurs AM 3\’s 7 0 medium
Tues-Wed-Thurs PM 3/4\’s 6 0 high
Mon-Wed-Fri AM 4\’s 0 14 very low
Tues-Thurs AM 4\’s 2 0 high
Tues-Wed-Thurs-Fri PM 4/5\’s 0 2 medium

Please keep in mind that these results are preliminary.  Although each year is different, we usually have a good deal of waitlist movement between February and the beginning of the school year in September.  We send monthly e-mail updates to all families on waitlists to keep parents informed of the changes.

Those wishing to apply for our remaining openings have until 12:00 noon on Friday, February 19 turn their applications into us in order for their children to be placed in the non-priority lottery for non-priority placement.

If you have questions about our registration procedures, please contact us at 614-267-0254.